2024 HSF SIG Small Research Grant

2024 HSF SIG Small Research Grant

The application deadline is 11:59 pm EST on February 19, 2024.

The purpose of this grant is to support experimental research that demonstrates the application of behavior analysis to address human behavior in the areas of health, sport, or fitness. Additional goals of this program are to disseminate behavior analytic research and practice and to expand research opportunities for students of behavior analysis.

All grants will be between $500-$1000. The amount and number of grants given in any one year will be dependent upon budgetary considerations. If the proposed budget exceeds $500, then the proposal must clearly state that the project can be completed with partial funding.

Eligibility Criteria / Applicant Qualifications: The primary researcher/author:

  • Must be a graduate student of good standing in a graduate degree program in behavior analysis or a related discipline.
  • Must be a current member of the HSF SIG.
  • Cannot have graduated before receipt of the award (approximately March 15, 2024).
  • Cannot have completed data collection before October 1, 2023.
  • Cannot have received a small research grant from the HSF SIG during the previous award year.

Recipient Responsibilities: To support the grant’s goal to disseminate behavior analytic research and practice, the award recipient is expected to:

  • Give a presentation on their project at the annual HSF SIG Business Meeting (via Zoom).
  • Submit and present their project as a poster or paper at a relevant conference (the conference can be a behavior-analytic conference or a relevant conference outside of behavior analysis).
  • Dependent on results, prepare and submit a manuscript for publication.
  • Prepare digital content that summarizes research (e.g., short report, poster, video) and can be published and linked on the HSF SIG website and social media.
  • Subsequent to receipt of funding, the successful applicant must inform the HSF SIG’s Executive Director of any changes in research methodology that alter the way in which research grant funds are spent during the study.

You can view a detailed copy of the Small Research Grant Guidelines.

Applications will only be accepted via the 2024 HSF SIG Small Research Grant Application form. Applicants will be asked to confirm eligibility and understanding of the recipient responsibilities, as well as upload required application materials.

Have questions? Email the Executive Director at director@hsfsig.org.